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What Is 5D Consciousness? — Portal to the Pleiadians: With Pete & Roxy

Updated: Apr 28

Have you ever considered the possibility that tuning into the cosmos of reality can unveil the secrets of the soul, thus triggering a shift in 5D Consciousness? It's been known that one of the crucial principles of awakening is detachment from thoughts and leading one's life within one's heart rather than one's head or ego.

We often hear about this state of consciousness, but what is it? As we can describe it in simple terms, a heightened state of being and awareness — closer to our natural divine nature and understanding that anything and everything isn't a product outside of us but within every one of us.

Being happier, letting go of our attachments without resistance, a closer connection with the spiritual realm, and elevating our healing and manifestation abilities are also some signs that we're shifting into 5D Consciousness. But, of course, for many people, this goes beyond our understanding of what it means to be human, especially from a scientific standpoint.

Have you ever had a euphoric episode where you couldn't stop smiling, laughing, or crying tears of joy? Maybe you felt frisson all over, another term for chills or goosebumps. This has happened to me once lying in bed, whilst listening to meditative music and it was one of the most incredible feelings I've been through. Perhaps this is what 5D feels like, except it becomes "normal."

Explaining what 5D is can be from a 3D or 4D lens of perception, as you have to be within that state of reality to grasp how it feels and what it is genuinely. Explaining it and experiencing it are two completely different things. Fortunately, this is changing on a global level. More and more people are beginning to understand what 5D Consciousness entirely means.

As you may have heard many times before, the collective shift to 5D is gradually occurring even as you're reading this. Although it may not seem like it, the evidence reveals that it's imminent due to humanity's level of global awareness compared to years prior. Humanity is imperfect, yet perfect at the same time. Due to the collective nature of consciousness, we can only elevate regardless of the duration of time.

An Introduction to Pete & Roxy!

Meet Pete & Roxy Heibloem, a couple who work together to help others work through their traumas, and now, on the regular, connect with intergalactic beings, such as the Pleiadians (via channeling) — to assist others on what it truly means to have this human experience. Their story with extraterrestrials begins when Roxy states that when she was meditating, entities began to contact her.

This experience left her in awe, and she deeply questioned everything, including her belief in aliens. She noticed that it started to become a nightly occurrence, and she would be connected and receive messages from these beings. The knowingness that she had a mission started to reveal itself to her.

Something that sounds like it came out of a sci-fi film, Roxy describes that eventually, she had a spiritual experience. She was invited to their starship in 5D, where they had Quantum Healing technology, known as Medbeds, similar to the EESystem. Experiencing this made her realize that she could provide more help to people.

Pete and Roxy started connecting to various intergalactic beings, who were described as galactic star brothers and sisters. They learned more about their history, appearances, and mission to aid humanity.

Pete expresses that many members of the Galactic Federation input information into our DNA, creating us into what we are and wanting us to fulfill our destiny of Spiritual Evolution. The goal is to prevent humanity from breaking into another reset, implying avoiding another civilizational collapse. (Which is insane to think about!)

It's known that beings cannot interfere with humanity's ascension process and can only aid in some regard. The good news is that individuals can shift into 5D Consciousness right now. This shift creates a ripple effect. Once a person shifts into this state of being, they will want to share it with others or when others see them, and this motivates them to make positive changes within their own lives.

Before the couple began helping people raise their vibration by healing through their imbalances and communicating with ETs, it was a synchronistic road of self-discovery, healing, and connection. It all starts with Roxy's awakening after having a personal conflict with Pete, temporarily resulting in her moving out with the kids.

One night, when she was putting her kids to sleep, she overheard Pete speaking with a friend in the kitchen. They had a couple of wines and weren't loud, as she described. It was nothing out of the ordinary, but in her mind, she felt very triggered. Ultimately, she felt frustrated and decided she needed to leave with the kids, feeling confused as to why she felt this way in the first place.

There was a period of confusion, sadness, and asking questions like "What's wrong with me?" which led to prayer- a prayer to God to figure out why she did what she did, as she was desperate for answers. Later that day, Roxy went on Facebook and found a friend talking about awakening, and the word triggered an activation.

The questions began pouring. "You're having an awakening." Roxy's friend says. "What does that mean?!" she replies in utter confusion. During that conversation, she received the answer she sought. The realization that the emotional breakdowns, the anxiety, the stress, the panic attacks, and the outrage towards Pete are all rooted back from deep-rooted childhood trauma.

She felt relieved that it wasn't his fault and that she didn't need to break up with him. She moved back into the house with the kids and explained everything. Roxy spoke with Pete about everything, including the awakening, which led to Pete's awakening due to synchronistic events happening to him!

You rarely hear this happening with partners, so it's definitely a story of divine intervention and connection. They went to a spiritual retreat and got the healing they needed. This jump-started their grand mission and endeavors. From trauma and stress to Clarity and 5D Consciousness, it's always motivating to hear their story.

If you want to hear more of their profound experiences and inspiring wisdom, check out UNIFYD TV and consider starting your 7-DAY FREE TRIAL!


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